
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

One Year Of Blogging

I realised that today is my blogs 1st birthday! I am so happy that I have actually managed to stick at something for so long, I tend to lose interest in things fairly quickly. One year ago I had just had my 20 week scan to see what gender baby we were having. I'd initially planned to document my pregnancy a whole lot more than I did and I'd wanted to wait to start my blog after I'd known that our baby was healthy before getting too excited.

That swiftly took a turn into me stepping into the world of beauty blogging and I've loved it so much although I'm not sure that my bank balance has been so keen! It's been such a great outlet for me to ramble on about my love for makeup and cosmetics and not boring my boyfriend to death about the latest hyped up product - if only he would start a football blog...

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who reads and comments on my blog, I've met some lovely people and I'm hoping in the next year to be more active on twitter so I can meet more lovely ladies to talk to and hopefully blog more frequently too.


  1. Aw this was such a lovely post :) I love reading your blog and I hope you stick with it for another year xx

  2. I've just recently started blogging and I'm hoping that just like you, I can keep it going because I'm absolutely loving it!
    happy one year anniversary! sounds to me like an excuse to treat yourself..
    rachel @

    1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I didn't know where to start at first and to be honest, I'm still learning hehe. Thanks very much, now you mention it, it really does... x

  3. Congratualtions sweetie!

    Love form Marbella


  4. Hi Kat! I nominated you for the Liebster Award cause you're so FABULOUS! Visit rachelsaysfabulous to find out more! xxx

  5. Happy Blog Birthday Kat - here's to many, many more years! xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie


Thank you so much for your comment, I appreciate every single one and will do my best to reply to you as soon as possible! If you want to ask me anything, feel free to tweet me @kathrynhannah91 ♥xo