
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Little Oscar

Just a quick post to say that my little man finally made his arrival on the 5th June at 8.26 am and weighed 6lb 12 ounces and he's just perfect! After being undecided throughout my whole pregnancy what name we were going to pick, this one came totally out of the blue but we thought it really suited him, so Oscar he shall be!

 I'm currently recovering from the birth and we are getting used to our new little person and being a family instead of a couple. He's been a brilliant baby so far and everyone just adores him!

I'll be back posting on my blog normally within the next 2 weeks, I just thought I'd let you know where I've been and why  I've not replied to some comments and why I'll be around a bit less than usual!


  1. He's gorgeous, congratulations!


  2. Congrats so much! He looks absolutely beautiful :D xxx

  3. congratulation hun!! hes so cute! and so small! emme was huge at 9lb 1oz lol xxx

    1. Oh my gosh, that is rather large! I'm quite surprised he came out fairly small, he certainly didn't make me look small haha! xx

  4. Congratulations on this beautiful boy! Take your time to recover and enjoy your time as a new-born Mummy, must be lovely!

  5. Absolutely fantastic news!

    Oscar is a beautiful name & he looks so adorable I can't believe it. :-) all you've been waiting for for the past 9 months!
    Enjoy him & make the most of these first few weeks with your bonding. Would love to hear about the birth later on when you're ready. <3 x

    1. Aw thanks so much! I just can't believe he's ours when I look at him :-) I'm sure I'll write about the birth soon! xx

  6. Oh he is beautiful! That's a good weight - Aiden was 7lbs 15, so hard to imagine he was ever that tiny!
    Oscar is SUCH a lovely name, it really suits him! Congratulations mama! Xo

    1. Thank you! One of our friends bought their 6 month old round the other day, I last saw him when he was 3 weeks and he looks so big compared to Oscar! xx

  7. Congratulations!! :) xx

  8. Congratulations! He's so beautiful. I'm so happy for your little family :)

    Hannah x

  9. Aww huge congrats again. So happy for you! He's perfect :) xx

    1. I love the name Oscar too! It really suits him xx

  10. Oh wow, congratulations. He's absolutely gorgeous, and so tiny!!! Make sure you rest as much as you, and recover :D xxx

    Gemma ♥ | Ɱiss Ɱakeup Ɱagpie


Thank you so much for your comment, I appreciate every single one and will do my best to reply to you as soon as possible! If you want to ask me anything, feel free to tweet me @kathrynhannah91 ♥xo